Does anyone remember my attempt at making a cute, crafty earring holder out of a picture frame? Let me refresh your memory: it was not very successful. One of the legs fell off almost immediately after I made it, and the other one fell off eventually too. I think it was when we moved that I decided just to chuck it. But I was still left with the quandary of what to do with all my earrings! One of my coworkers had mentioned using bead storage containers from Hobby Lobby for hers, so I decided to check out my options. (Unfortunately, the only Hobby Lobbies in the Atlanta area are out in the suburbs, so I’m forced to resort to Michael’s. Ah well. First world problem.) I counted my earrings beforehand so I would know roughly how much storage I needed.

On the craft storage aisle, I was confronted with NUMEROUS options, but I was able to pretty quickly narrow it down to these clear boxes with 14 compartments each: 2 large ones in the middle, with smaller ones on both sides.

Each compartment has a little lid that locks into place but flips up easily when you want to open it. I bought 2 of the containers and spent under $5, if I remember correctly. They are not the most beautiful things, but they are SO functional, and I think it makes them prettier being able to see the earrings through them.

I use the larger compartments to hold my necklaces.

Another benefit is that I’ve pretty much memorized which earrings go where, so I can take out or put away my earrings in the dark if A. is asleep. Also, if we ever move again, I can just pack them as they are, because my earrings are safe in their snapped shut compartments!

Though I can’t take full credit for the idea, I’m so glad I implemented it. I love having my earrings all neatly arranged and safe from dust and falling behind the dresser. Admittedly, I mostly have small earrings, so if you have a bunch of larger hoops or chandelier earrings this wouldn’t be the best option, but the compartments are bigger than they might appear. The longest pair of earrings I have in one is an inch and a half long, and I also have a pair of wooden hoops in there that are about an inch across. If you need somewhere to hang more substantial jewelry, maybe you could have better luck with the cute frame idea than I did.

What’s the best item that you’ve re-purposed to be useful for something other than its intended use? How do you store your jewelry?

Laura Lindeman

Laura Lindeman