It’s so easy to become dissatisfied with even what you know is wonderful life. Last week I was changing the sheets on our bed and noticed that the fitted sheet I was putting on has gotten pretty dingy. I helped A. pick them out even before we were married, so they’ve gotten a fair amount of use. I started grumbling to myself about how I couldn’t believe I was putting ugly sheets on my bed and how I really just wanted some new ones. But when it comes down to it, I HAD sheets. I was putting on the SPARE SET. And it’s not like anyone can see the fitted sheet anyway. But it took me quite some time of being grouchy to convincingly remind myself of all of that.

Similarly, sometimes I get so overwhelmed thinking that for the rest of my life I am responsible for keeping not just myself but my husband and potential future children fed and satisfied food-wise. I lie in bed some nights thinking up meal combinations and wondering how I’m ever going to come up with enough interesting dinners to feed a lifetime. But again: at least I HAVE food. A. cares so much less about what’s on his plate than I do; I could probably fix the same meal every night for a week and he would love it just because I made it. Plus, I enjoy cooking! I don’t know why it should be a panic-inducing thought that it’s my job to do so. I take great pleasure in feeding people. But picturing that calendar of lunches and dinners marching out ahead of me gets me down into a pit of dissatisfaction in a second.

In these situations for me it simply has to be mind over matter. I can mope around about little things that aren’t perfect all day long…or I can focus on all the things I have that make me happy, and all the things I love to do (like posting on this blog!). It shouldn’t be that hard to do so! There’s a popular hashtag on Twitter which is “first world problems.” I’m going to try and keep my perspective. When my fitted sheet is dingy, but I’m putting it on my cushy queen-sized mattress, that’s just nothing but a #first world problem.

Laura Lindeman

Laura Lindeman